August’s First Steps

July 15, 2017

August has started walking!!! After months of being on the verge (walking along the furniture, walking while holding hands, standing up) he’s finally taking steps on his own! The past week he has randomly been taking a step or two but today he walked five steps to Mama. Unfortunately I didn’t get that on camera, but was able to capture him taking some steps shortly after. Such a big boy! 💙

August Stands Up

July 8, 2018

August has been working hard on his walking skills—scaling the walls/furniture, walking around everywhere holding mama or Dada’s hand, and now pushing up to standing by himself!

Fourteen Months

June 6, 2017 August is 14 months old! This month, August: Weighs/Measures: (checkup next month) Teeth: 6 Words: Mama, Dada, hi, bye-bye, uh-oh, ball, eye, bear (beah), boo (peekaboo), bubba (buddy), bloo (balloon), bir (bird), roar, and a few random words from … Continue reading

Thirteen Months

May 6, 2018 August is 13 months old! At 13 months, August: Weighs/Measures: (next checkup at 15 months) Teeth: 4 (+ 2 more top teeth peeking through) Loves: His sissy Playing with his toys—favorites include anything that Scarlett is playing … Continue reading