April 6, 2020
August is 3 years old!
At 3 years old, August:
Weighs/Measures: 3 ft 2 in, approx. 34 lbs (guessing)
- Superheroes
- Bandaids
- Bounce house
- Putting rainboats on and jumping in puddles
- Mac & cheese and yogurt
- Books! I’m so glad August loves books just as much as mama and Scarlett and that he’ll stay focused on books that are a bit above his head and always asks for “nother story!!”
- The word “tooty” and the phrase “poopy butt” (also a favorite or Scarlett’s)
- Riding his big boy scooter and bike like Scarlett
- Digging in the dirt
- Wrestling with dada
- Pillow fights
- Watching animals
- Building forks (forts)
- Sitting on top of dada’s shoulders
- Taking showers in Mama and Dada’s big shower
- Helping cook—he’s actually really good at cracking eggs and stirring
- Listening to Disney movie soundtracks, especially Moana
- The weekend because they get to watch something on tv (everyday he asks “Is it the weekend?)
- Cuddles, hugs, and kisses—he is 100% a cuddle bear
- Glueing, cutting, coloring, painting
- Playing in the creek and finding/throwing rocks
- Water play
- When Scarlett takes toys from him or pushes him around in general
- Puts up fights at mealtime even though he genuinely likes most foods.
- Random things like not giving him the right spoon can cause a complete meltdown
- Getting his hair brushed— I think he has a very sensitive scalp and only recently started letting me wash his hair without a fight
- Anything remotely scary in books or movies
- The dark—needs his door open with bathroom light on at bedtime
- When you don’t give him a definitive answer he demands “No, say yes!”
August Lately:
- Has a new habit of telling fibs
- Tells a lot of stories—many elaborate and outlandish (see above re: fibs)
- His vocabulary is pretty impressive and his conversational skills have really increased—it’s so fun having a conversation with him about silly or really important (to him) things:)
- Gets so worked up that he almost passes out
- Is very particular about how he likes things at times (for example picking out fruit snacks from the box to find one that isn’t squished)
- Has definitely shown an increase in being oppositional—it often takes a looong time to get him to go potty/put shoes & coat on/eat dinner, etc.
- Still hits/attacks and will sometimes throw things when mad
- He is Scarlett’s little sidekick—they have gotten so much better at playing together for extended periods without needing to intervene every 2 minutes
- Asks a lot of questions and loves learning about the world around him
- Has picked up some bad habits from Scarlett such as picking his nose and biting his toenails
- Likes saying nonsense words in silly voices
- Has not minded being stuck at home the past month—although he has expressed missing eating mac & cheese at Whole Foods
- I love how he tells me multiple times a day “I love mama!” but he also uses the opposite when he’s mad at you “I don’t love Mama/Dada/Scarlett”
- Can name all of our backyard birds
- We recently bought some “peejamas” that have built in layers in the pants since he’s still not 100% potty trained at nighttime
- Is still the first one up in the morning demanding to “Eat Beffast!”
- Can run fast without falling all the time and climb up and down the stairs without help (although he still makes me nervous)
Highlights from the last few months: