24 Months

April 6, 2019

August is two years old!

B5486714-15B3-479C-A019-691A8289A9A9 B260D07C-9DA8-46D5-B95F-78123744C90B E2CBB41C-1C32-4B70-8025-26DDEEFEF1B3

At 24 months, August:

Weighs/Measures: 34 inches (2ft 10 in)—42nd%

26 lb 9 oz—30%

Teeth: 16


  • Balls
  • Play dough
  • Blowing bubbles
  • Going for a walk to see our horse friends
  • Mac & cheese, cauliflower, frozen blueberries, muffins (when he wakes up in the morning he immediately asks for muffins)
  • Dancing to music—some recent favorites are “Celebration”and “Step in Time” from Mary Poppins
  • Dogs—always wants to go see the dogs at the park and pet them if they’re friendly
  • Asking “Doing?” and “Going?”
  • Copying Scarlett
  • Has recently taken an interest in coloring
  • Helping cook &/or seeing what you’re making
  • Going to get sissy from her room when she wakes up in the morning


  • When you don’t let him brush his own teeth in the morning
  • When he can’t have something that he wants
  • When Scarlett doesn’t share or takes something away from him

August Lately:

  • Gave up his binks/wubby! We were planning to help him break the habit when he turned two, but he made it easy for us and himself—he bit a hole in all 3 of his remaining pacifiers and wanted nothing to do with them after that.
  • He does countless cute things, but one of the absolute cutest is when he says “Like this!” and then acts out whatever he’s trying to explain to you. For example he was telling Dada that mama was at exercise class and said “Like this!” and proceeded to do dancing movements.
  • Says and does things he sees sissy do, even if he doesn’t really understand why—for example, Scarlett at one time asked for a bar with the wrapper still on, so now August demands that everything you give him remains “In the wrapper!!” but immediately wants it taken out of said wrapper upon receipt.
  • Likes to wrestle and play fight while gritting his teeth and growling like a little puppy or cub
  • More tantrums lately when he doesn’t get his way
  • Has started to occasionally ask for another drink of water at bedtime—probably because he hears sissy doing it. Hopefully he doesn’t start those antics!
  • Can count to ten, knows most of his colors and basic shapes, and can sing along to the alphabet
  • Vocabulary continues to grow—says up to 7ish word sentences and has good expression and intonation
  • Has suddenly become more cautious at the park or when playing—only wants to go “little bit” in the swing and wants mama to go down big slides with him
  • Chews on his fingers (probably in lieu of having a bink)

August’s 24th month was an exciting one! Here are some of the highlights:  

First time trying out Sky Zone trampoline park! Scarlett loved it but August thought it was just ok:)

CE0C8D83-BBB1-4233-8D09-8A090D5B577E DC2ECE0D-D2C5-4156-B969-2085A05E0565 63E5D2EC-51D8-4C65-9375-D6418B054368 E3E418E9-B218-43E8-9E62-478CA9F01BA8

Sophia’s 2nd birthday party!37E93E8E-C38A-4AA6-B0A2-38AC4EC94DAE F560CA1F-7D5F-411B-AF37-962D4FE3C69A 85A23F55-0997-4E89-8476-02ED35CD8F41 81373F28-CE8B-4029-B5E9-B9CA1011E47F C6B436A6-DC7C-4660-95A4-7C65BC90EFC3 936DC56D-4547-4184-A6CB-216429B2AADA 069826C4-F926-4C48-8F74-7A9264E03D94

Trying out his wedding outfit—we had to get the pants hemmed a bit:)D6B3EE51-359D-44A0-8E17-5E432978F813 26A0305A-79E6-40DA-80AD-B64CDA130B6E 54EDEEBF-0EB8-4E95-9C24-B722EC435F6D 7474BA6A-A6B7-4955-A3E5-71B081D556D6 13E06E80-FE24-422D-BA2E-EFC47CC61DA3

Wedding rehearsal!7DE0F1EC-A0DC-46A5-9287-41A85413DF7F EE31C71E-13AF-4417-9214-4B8055F5D26D 483EB465-01D7-41A9-8328-D4FECE9DC659 E133D3E4-A519-4BBD-B1A0-53F0C5C1160A 7D75E2D7-2BF9-43F6-96A3-0866D76625DE 8D8B0B04-D64A-4960-A4FF-9E74A8D877F6

Saying hi to Baby Eloise!


A few from Max & Kristy’s wedding!C0BE4060-E614-4B14-8AFA-B6CDA04E9033 DB9AD1D1-D2FD-44BF-B017-4722C8F16AFE BD7DDEA5-744A-4582-B729-2FAEDCEFBDE8 1B6482D2-70BD-4385-8FF6-F1DF06439A08 394A2E6E-9FED-4D25-9FA9-0EF2DB34BC42

Welcome baby Eloise! What a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day surprise! 💕💕💕BA47E929-94D6-45FD-8A33-8DA78A426A08 5CB3DEAF-4DF9-49DB-B74F-B335EF0CB4A6

Making pizza!C816E90D-9FC7-4CDE-AAA0-FD0BE604F91A 8C93F073-828D-45F7-A3F2-D935C57BC1ED 5326F00F-E3F7-4633-9E7A-857ECB8C404B 06035D07-2B2F-401F-814E-EA9C89AD75F9 BF90B9C6-43B6-4986-BF1E-090F8C61AF55 34350E19-65C0-4B15-BAD0-B0A9BAC827C8 BAE5584E-F47C-42A4-940E-BDB3506E4629 D392C518-01AF-4BBB-BCC2-A886823DC3E2 91654933-4359-480C-8676-C04BAC21102D

Post-nap baby:)8FF7AFB8-ACAE-49B2-828C-505863452C9F

His new favorite pastime.3A0B619F-C942-4CFC-A1FD-4AD1D9D1719D E74217AB-A335-4078-A816-ECBC6EA4CD62

Silly boy:)06A81C04-9A1A-4F76-BCD6-A2AAA1B56B33 6DD9D7D2-9403-4DAF-9279-41C72D79F59D ECB7F992-A202-44C7-A5FA-6D1CFE09437D

Connect FourEC28B73C-9AFA-48F9-8BAD-F6B443F754FB

Throwing bread to the birds…aka Buddy, who later went down and ate all of it.97597620-DDFE-45E4-80F2-B37D8BF1361A

Letting Dada brush his teeth after much compromise.856A0C03-413F-486E-88CC-C2D68B2036B4

Baby butt😂F2EE425F-9203-4F71-BAF6-17C0DB2FABCF  9FE274FB-F8F4-48F1-8DDE-44691D77C4E6

Fun at the new St. Charles park! It’s a bit of a drive now, but worth it (every now and then).AE4E1BB1-7852-44E1-9FA9-9977A509D369 7CF50817-ACDC-4897-8BA0-61C0E3F7B1AB A51B391E-4CEA-4070-9AE0-D1FE9E55041D 5D74F04E-8659-49AF-B5AE-DAF8C1946224

Fireman August!EC1381F9-D93B-4752-B836-C426906A90A9 5B1E64C2-17E7-457D-B17F-AFE29AECB899 998DEB54-56C4-43AB-AD31-EA72C09E70D1 C5C8CA9E-4B24-4DD8-9D18-4B48FBDDA7B4

Hehehe…D177509E-57C4-4601-97FD-E59A0330D9D8 63D37C18-88D1-40AB-9EEC-7993F06E93C0 6BBBDBA6-6D28-4542-A47B-2FEDD6946C3D

Bubbles at grandma and poppy’s!940EF2B7-D1D8-4427-AD38-D21B80CC0157 F50BD9A9-E915-4540-A4D0-3E0AB16F70F1 96849EB1-1F91-43CD-A5DA-2D4806CA0A4C 33D9CF81-3833-433B-A32B-1E3638203EAB 7E69B5A7-F6A9-4E9B-A743-411E9ED93B86 F7C3080C-B716-4102-A967-5B54A5AC6BB5 32D358D9-6C36-48BA-993D-2603A5B81CB4 B76ADB76-F626-4A33-9480-FDC8A0BAFFB0

They love each other:)E45EB870-9536-4180-8B20-696895FB8F63 CDE68B54-F7CB-431C-80F6-F1256015F151 73E2AFC6-8375-4102-A683-50202755C960

First weekend donut run for these two! Needless to say, they loved it.D471230A-8147-42D3-BD90-25FE9C07203B 4E82AB29-4477-48C7-87EC-92F8627114BF A5EDEE67-745D-4B54-A0AE-B9BA770F0431 F9016256-9320-45FA-A699-76F49BF7228C 531D6407-F75A-4DC7-BBE3-89D7CFFC415F 5690BFCB-B759-4B06-B43E-B2C3247FEFB6 C42F05F2-F835-4D0F-A688-AE6589F1F319 AFB69BD1-4AD5-4EE0-B2B8-285AC63BCE9E 63DFDF85-9982-4010-BCA2-82615A925BE9 0D0B4256-8E04-4B07-86A5-841B0BC87692

C35C0F43-DC72-4993-8EEC-12A5A42A352D 1BE2CBCA-9C86-481B-B18D-FD59C7089D74 279A485D-B8A6-4026-AEC5-F1DCD0D8A941 D04BA728-3E89-479E-A596-59DADF5C9A01

Visit to Purina Farms which is only 15 minutes away from us now—we’ll be frequent visitors for sure!1224E192-8B58-4E11-BC37-7FCDEB347268 46E8646C-9248-4080-ABF2-DEF6BC340A36 25F2E095-B0FC-405A-84B0-1F8D26D7E0D6 044335EE-0EFD-4571-AA9B-237EBBACF424 D75D7456-AB8E-4C06-8FB9-136B944BCB44 DE3F2637-C7FD-43C1-9CA2-976207305C98 317CF14B-8398-426F-BA24-792F689DA7D2 2A7F374B-5587-4D52-830F-F764E18D18FA B81E6585-43B1-48FF-93DE-E74E14000F72 9FCA1480-60EC-4C78-9DFD-21FA27C8F1DD  877827BB-24B7-4926-8D9C-AAC2522144E0

Helping mama make muffins, aka testing the batter;)A4D13219-CA94-4A88-98DD-7055145133C07058B976-E14C-4556-B98A-A3485A8A49B09B832414-C647-4538-9351-BF87ED9ACB83

A few favorites from August’s 2nd Birthday!

B78596ED-68E3-472F-9505-1ACE0B92ABB157D17884-269A-45D8-BE67-855A350546BC252F6979-2527-4566-B986-7258A3C88D7C1F127C43-A12F-4762-9105-B3860E30B365 9045B5CF-8A4B-454C-86B6-D368D1649BE7 E8A29087-C5FA-4491-9DB7-BC240E44FD53 D5AC7405-FDC3-4ECC-9493-5516694470D1 7BB0DE69-77AC-419F-97E0-7FD2FDD6AC4B D853E7A8-11DC-4FFF-9381-DBCC03638349 D470487A-F58F-451F-9EB9-F8A9467F58D5 6D028C9E-671F-4FAF-9EC4-258780E6F695

What a fun month and an incredible 24 months it has been with or sweet baby boy! We love you so, August Joe!

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