Welcome Baby Eloise!

March 17, 2019

Happy Birthday, Baby Eloise!

It was absolutely one of the most exciting, amazing weekends for our family! It started with a wedding and ended with the birth of my beautiful niece, Eloise.

I received a text from Jessica as we were getting ready to leave for Max’s wedding that sher water had broke! After the wedding, I rushed to the hospital to see how she was doing. Since she was progressing slowly at that point, I planned to come back to check on her again after the reception and stay with her as needed. After dropping Justin and the kids at home, I headed back to the hospital. Jessica was still progressing slowly, so I decided to go home and get a little rest and come back up as soon as things picked up. Jessica called me at 5:55am to tell me to come, and I got there just in time! When I entered the room around 6:45, Jessica was having a pretty strong contraction and was feeling the urge to push. The doctor came in, and about two pushes later, Eloise came into the world at 6:56am! What a beautiful thing to witness! I feel so blessed to have been there for her birth, and I am so happy that precious baby girl has my sister as her mom.

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We love you Eloise and we’re so happy you’re here! 💕💕

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