May 4, 2018
Scarlett is three years old!
At 3 years old, Scarlett:
Weighs: 31 lbs 10 oz (55th)
Measures: 3 ft 3 in (85th)
- Her baby brother—the first thing she wants to do in the morning is give him a kiss and hug
- Attention and affection
- Bear
- “Helping” mama and dada on her kitchen stool
- Riding her tricycle around the apartment
- Favorite toys include her new ice cream stand & stroller, LEGOs, stuffed animals, board games such as Candyland and Sneaky Snacky Squirrel, and cooking in her kitchen
- Finding rocks and picking flowers during walks
- The Moana soundtrack
- Books—loves going to the library every other week to get new books & is always bringing a book to mama/dada to read to her
- Going to the park to climb and slide
- The color pink
- Mealtimes, especially if it includes PBJ, fruit, quesadillas, spaghetti, or muffins
- Swimming lessons—has jumped into the pool without holding onto the teacher a few times
- Gymboree
- Dates with just Mama to Breadco, Picasso’s, or a special treat like frozen yogurt
- People watching
- Loves learning new things and doing activities, experiments, and art projects
- Disney movies
- Being told what to do
- Getting dressed or getting hair brushed
- When August tries to take/knock over/throw something she’s playing with
- When August is getting more attention than her
- Random things that are fine one minute and the end of the world the next
Scarlett Lately:
- Saying “I want mama/dada to do it” in response to the opposite parent trying to get her to do something (For example, if mama tries to put her shoes on she’ll say “No I want dada to put my shoes on” if he’s nearby at the time)
- Has been a bit more oppositional and testing her limits lately. Will often say no or I don’t want to when you ask her to do something, and when asked to not do something she will often keep doing it until she gets a reaction.
- Is finally able to climb most things at the park independently, although mama/dada still stand nearby because she still gets distracted by other people and will often not look where she’s going because she’s looking at other people
- Can run fast without falling all the time
- Gets upset about seemingly minor things at times
- Is starting to initiate play with other kids at the park and loves when she makes a new friend
- Not only does her vocabulary continue to increase but she also uses quite a variety of different tones and speaks with expression—she will often say things that make her sound like an adult, copying tones and phrases she hears other people say
- She’s getting better at her conversational skills—she can have a good conversation with mama/dada but often clams up when other people talk to her/question her about things, although she’s gotten better about at least answering when someone speaks to her
- As mentioned above, really loves to learn about the world and asks lots of questions while reading or just out and about—loves hands-on activities and learning by doing
- Must have something in hand when we leave the house (whether it be a stuffed animal, book, or something random like a rock or Easter egg)—this isn’t a new behavior, just have forgotten to mention in the past
- Is fixated with the phrase “36 degrees” and will randomly answer questions with this phrase
- Has a few bad habits including picking her nose, biting her finger and toenails, putting her feet on the table, and tooting
Scarlett highlight reel from the past few months:
We love our baby Bunny!