April 6, 2018
Somehow, August is 12 months old!
At twelve months, August:
Weighs: 21 lbs 15 oz (59th)
Measures: 29 inches (10th)
Teeth: 4
Words: Mama, Dada, and attempts and sometimes says ball, baby, yeah, bye-bye, banana
- Kisses & hugs—has started giving them too:)
- Pointing to everything and babbling
- Snuggling Mama
- Books! He LOVES flipping through his board books and looking at the pictures and pointing to what he sees. Favorites include: Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?, Goodnight Moon, Where’s Ellie?, Peek-a-Who, That’s Not My Bunny/Dragon/Monster, The Mitten, 100 First Words, On The Night You Were Born
- Playing at Gymboree—we’re going to sign him up for his own class soon
- Looking out the window
- Being outside
- Opening and closing doors
- Taking objects out of containers & putting them back in
- Playing with his toys, especially his blue car, balls, and anything he can manipulate like the lock & key puzzle, whale that pops balls out, ball & hammer xylophone, instruments, etc.
- Pulling up on everything within reach
- Getting dressed/diaper changed
- When Scarlett takes toys away from him
- Being confined for too long, i.e. in the shopping cart at the store, being in car seat too long, being held at the park or anywhere where he can get down and play
- When Mama walks away
- If you eat/drink in front of him and don’t share
What’s New:
- Pulling up to standing
- Starting to cruise on furniture
- Taking assisted steps (either mama/dada or push cart)
- Becoming more and more animated and expressive as he points and babbles
- Loves feeding himself and eats much better now
- Can find and point out objects in books—especially loves finding the mouse in the That’s Not My… books.
- Starting to love and interact with stuffed animals, Blue Bear in particular
- A bit more pronounced of a mama attachment lately—especially when he’s upset he just wants mama
- No longer content to just be held/in his carrier when we go to the park—he wants to get down and play too
- Will turn his head away or bury his head into mama and act shy when someone new talk to him
- Understands and responds to simple commands such as no-no or go find your bear/book/ellie, etc.
- Always wants to see what mama and sissy are doing if we’re playing a game or doing an activity and will try to grab everything as if saying “Hey, if you’re not going to include me I’m going to destroy this” (hence August the Destroyer nickname)
Other Activity:
- Nurses 5-6x/day and eats 3 solid meals
- Is mostly down to one nap around 2pm, but still sometimes wants a morning nap too if he wakes up earlier
- Sleeps from about 8:15pm-8:30am, waking 1-2x to nurse within that timeframe
Nicknames: Goomy, Goom, Goomici, Goomeech, Baybuh, Chuuba, Gorilly (because he crawls like a gorilla), August The Destroyer (because he will often come right into the middle of what you’re doing and start throwing it around)
Twelve-Month Photoshoot:
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear Goomy
Happy birthday to you!
We love you August!