January 18, 2018
August is 41 weeks old!
This week, August:
- Is starting to push up to sitting from laying down
- Is getting up on his hands and knees more and trying really hard to hands & knees crawl instead of army crawling
- Has been working on standing with support—especially while playing sissy’s piano:)
- Still working on those two bottom teeth! They’ve both pushed their way through but they still have a little ways to go:)
- Consistently gets mad when you leave the room now
A few pictures from August’s 41st week:
Flipping burgers
Reading with Dada
First tooth! The second one popped through shortly after.
He loves broth, but it’s messy—especially when he swats the spoon away:)
His favorite pastime—opening and closing doors.
How many mornings begin in the Allsup household.
He’s beginning to enjoy choo choo rides as much as Scarlett.
Celebrating Poppy’s 65th Birthday!
August’s favorite book! He loves looking through this one on his own. This was one of Scarlett’s favorites too:)
Playing cars with sissy! I love that they’re starting to be able to play together more.
This might look like they’re doing a puzzle together, but it was mostly Scarlett trying to do her puzzle while August grabbed the pieces from her:)
What are you doing, Mama? (August peeking at me while I was trying to make the bed after putting him to sleep:)
My little musician💙
Good morning!
Showing off his new pearly whites!
Best friends💙❤️
My boy💕 EEB8A7D7-7922-484D-A45A-40ACF31F2DD0 37A9E20A-F379-49E6-B1C6-7410C1A55FF3
Love you August Joey!