28 Weeks

October 19, 2017

August is 28 weeks old!


This week, August:

Was a flying baby!

2E5334EA-78CD-4FD2-9CC3-3F025898C2DC A1AD46BA-1014-46CD-9332-E337034A455D878E555A-B2E9-4586-8633-9DF53DE37A02

Had some quality time with Dada while Mama and sissy were at a play date.B9C7C21B-0FE7-4DA0-B443-FEB937EF824E

Snuggled with his Sissy.1F2D3E11-3BF3-42B3-905F-D4A1E256482E

Tried regular sweet potato (had purple last week) and homemade bone broth this week. (Mama’s trying a mix of puréed food & baby-led weaning, hence the little chunks on his tray).6EF6635B-1467-4678-9666-F8AA92EADEA1 BBF68715-C3A9-4FE9-8C8F-F616EA1CA5C5 C07212F4-6D04-4A7A-909B-2C3962A52DC2

Had fun playing with his toys on his mat. He loves being on his tummy!DBBAC653-9435-4E36-BB87-DE781D35AAC3 6E69F738-B0EC-44B5-8EDD-6A77B7501F3F

Contemplated Scarlett’s shenanigans. Now what is the meaning of this?, he wondered.406C7790-E4AD-4630-A94E-C9DA93538B06 933CD06C-9DD9-4B36-A796-B98D936C30A9

Went for his first laundry basket choo choo ride!2F8DC86E-02FE-4D19-A610-97DECAA77B66 1C91A074-2D37-4771-9018-70873619048F BD237CBB-201B-419B-8103-58FE5AA15B91

Spent a lot of time with Mama:)36CD9EEC-91B3-4EB7-914E-64264CE6F9C0 326E8ADD-4757-43AD-BC04-C26CB41CE4EA 5C90CCDF-C142-4096-AEE1-8C774702D585

Read some books.46B85976-A7EA-45E3-822B-A983A8B09055 876F2BC9-A574-424F-B267-F9BBF3ECEAC78D903879-9C4E-470A-9DBB-631D3AD1D467

Fell asleep during an evening walk.508D0AE7-30C8-489D-AA75-2766D37744E3868E5FC5-962D-4CD3-A68F-5B49F11D5F6E

Slept with his hands behind his head like sissy:) (also rosy cheeks like sissy used to get)1F5587A4-EFEF-4A67-858F-1A208BDF53121E23E7E6-34ED-442F-ADEF-98BB0DB29049

Had a visit from Uncle Matt! 8EF05E98-195D-441E-858A-48DB339DFDC4 5EA608AF-1813-47D3-B374-8D01356E666A

Practiced standing up on his chuub legs:) 90F9ABD3-14B9-4C1D-AF63-444FF5C8D40A 5AFB5881-8DDF-4A6D-8413-81D6C9643B1C 32DDAF4B-84C2-410D-8E06-D45276007B10

And was his usual sweet, happy baby self! We love our boy!

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