27 Weeks

October 12, 2017

August is 27 weeks old!


This week, August:

  • Turned 6 months old!
  • Started eating solids! So far he has tried avocado and purple sweet potato—he’s still getting used to the whole chewing (gumming) thing:)
  • Had his 6-month checkup—still a healthy boy!
  • Got stung (or bit) by a yellow jacket:( We think he either got bit or that the stinger only brushed his check because the redness didn’t last very long and it didn’t seem to bother him after the initial pain (and these stings usually itch for awhile)
  • Seems to have had a mental/physical growth spurt as he has been moving/babbling nonstop and hyper-aware of his surroundings (which makes mealtimes interesting trying to keep him focused;)
  • First visit to the Botanical Gardens
  • Has said “Da!” when he sees Dada a few times now

Some photos from August’s 27th week:

Poor baby after the bee sting:(


First meal!B0ACF07F-2AE8-44BA-8092-21932887C5D791A0FEE7-B561-44EC-8D88-E961947CE187A60E59CF-1818-4ABF-A2B2-4D40A009847F

Reading stories with DadaCC79189A-54B2-458B-9427-E054BD150AC643A79E45-3B22-4628-96FE-3DC4D5375B23255FF479-F47A-485A-BD7F-A1BBEB82B87CEAC919EE-DBDF-4BC2-B9B2-041250DD634EB27CB57A-AF17-4CB3-AA76-3C27091C212B 5BC578EC-016D-4372-BF62-711C650B1613 3729C843-0C4F-4FF9-B8F6-85018EF4E1AD 09F40FCD-9DF6-4FE2-BD66-A9C7FC938C72 877C6CAE-A59B-40BB-86BE-84CFE0EB4CF0

Wee Willy Winkie runs through the town, upstairs, downstairs in his nightgown.ED6D5893-C336-4ADD-B740-960DB637B5D8E53CFB4D-E037-4F17-98CE-E83EDBDB35E2 C65B34BD-54C2-477C-BB8E-7479F7EEC49E

Baby nose:)41AD5072-FE28-4CF2-8228-4FD33CB1302C EF745542-F713-4FD0-8725-DDD23110878E D2DA20F2-728A-4FF9-BAEF-B09EFC5776C9

First visit to Botanical Gardens (first time in the children’s garden for all of us)12856714-E266-4DD7-8D88-89375DF27B0E AC00E76D-4B9F-45FF-A683-BA1315C45FE2 D4C7244A-6516-47D6-80C5-144D072964C1 75188759-10E7-4FA6-AF88-63472CF3D0DD

Sleepy bear84663C21-2EAF-4FF3-A01A-8A09EFDCA4C7 80891791-6F96-402B-A129-89C9EC4F556A

He spit this up (+ all the milk he recently had) shortly after this picture 86FC8CD8-8534-460E-BBDE-B37DEA6988C7 2611024F-241B-4D23-B004-B3E10D20CF31 B4A19523-1C59-4B3B-9F22-A6F04FD963AB

Baby boy💙F103860A-7423-4768-B2D2-F0FDF950A441 8499D7D5-286E-4D49-A01D-A7A75E2FCE6C

Trying out some baby-led weaning (mama eventually had to just put some in his mouth because he just wanted to smash it with his hand:)09A7AB2D-B27B-4F18-A5F5-C6C02CCD0757 44D51478-A064-4A8B-A1D0-028AEF13A2C5 FC0577BF-7292-48C2-8A5D-E871DE467C57

Beftime stories with the babies💙💗07CFB952-7B6F-450D-95F1-BE7706C8D708 3C787555-7857-4C58-BD9E-AD4C44530FF4

We love our beautiful baby boy!

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