October 6, 2017
August is 6 months old!
At 6 months, August:
Weighs: 18 lbs 3 oz (63%)
Measures: 26 inches (20%)
Teeth: 0
- Watching Scarlett be silly
- Dancing and singing with mama
- Interactive baby games such as itsy bitsy spider, peekaboo, this little piggy, head shoulders knees and toes, etc
- Reading stories with mama/dada and sissy
- Bathtime—he likes splashing around now
- Getting raspberries on his tummy
- Blowing raspberries and bubbies
- Ellie wubbanub
- Rolling around on his mat
- Being stood up on his chubby legs
- Being sung to
- Funny faces and sounds
- Grabbing faces and hair
- Being tired —when he is ready for bed, he is READY and you’d better not try to feed him or read him a book because he just wants to go to sleep (and then will wake up 2-3 hours later to nurse:/)
- Falling asleep in his car seat in the car and then waking up and discovering he is still in his car seat
- The puffy suit for nighttime because he can’t move around (doesn’t mind it for naps though)
Sleep: Goes to bed around 8-8:30pm and has been waking 2-3 times throughout the night (most likely from teething) and gets up for the day between 7:30-8:30am (although will sometimes fall back asleep after nursing). Usually takes 2-3 naps, the first around 10am lasting 30-60 minutes and a long one in the afternoon around 2pm (usually lasting 2.5 hrs). He also likes to get a short snooze in pre-bedtime if he can, usually while on our evening walk.
Eating: Nurses every 2.5-3 hours typically, and since starting solids a few days ago he’s been getting a tsp or two of avocado most days
What’s New:
- Tried his first bite of food on his half birthday: avocado!
- Starting to say more consonant sounds such as ba-ba-ba, wa-wa-wa, and da-da—Sounded like he said “dada” a few times
- Rolls a lot more and stays on his tummy in upward dog for long periods
- Can sit without support for a few seconds before falling over
- Has attempted forward movement by pushing off the floor with his legs but just couldn’t get his arms to follow suit:)
- Experiments with cause and effect by squeezing & shaking his toys around to see if they will squeak or rattle
- Goomy/Gooma/Gooma Goo/Goomish
- Doughman
- Baybuh
- Wee Wee
- Babish
- Chuub
- Chuub Cheruub
A few Augustisms that we love:
- Little one syllable screams that he does randomly when happy and content or when starting to get upset
- Sighs when you pick him up
- Let’s out an “Ahh” sigh after sneezing
- Smiles with his whole face
- Thinks sissy is the funniest and most interesting person in the world
- Bababa on his arm
- Wakes up blowing bubbles & raspberries and squawking and squealing
- Turns head away when excited
- How he is the happiest most relaxed baby in the world, until he isn’t (meaning, when he does get upset, he can scream pretty good;)
- Not a care in the world when singing and dancing with mama or being in his carrier
- Easygoing, peaceful nature
- His chubby little palms and long fingers
- His sweet, sugary-smelling baby breath
6-month photoshoot:
Heaven, I’m in heaven
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak
And I seem to find the happiness I seek
When we’re out together dancing cheek to cheek…