19 Weeks

August 18, 2017

August is 19 weeks old!


This week, August:

Rolled from back to tummy!

Visited the zoo for the first time!IMG_7923 IMG_7924 IMG_7926 IMG_7927

(Light from the blinds)

IMG_7804 IMG_7805 IMG_7806

Chewing on his lippy  IMG_7811 IMG_7812 IMG_7813

“I got my baby bo-oy and my baby girl” (what Scarlett says when mama is getting them out of the car).

IMG_7814 IMG_7815 IMG_7816 IMG_7817 IMG_7818 IMG_7819 IMG_7820 IMG_7821 IMG_7823

Plenty of tummy time–he’s tolerating it more these daysIMG_7824

Good morning!IMG_7828IMG_7829

Scarlett LOVES when August comes to get her after nap time–it takes about a half hour to get her out of her crib when he’s in there though;)IMG_7837IMG_7838IMG_7839

Dreaming angel baby IMG_7846 IMG_7854 IMG_7855 IMG_7856

My two baybuhs 😍IMG_7857 IMG_7858 IMG_7859 IMG_7860 IMG_7862 IMG_7864

Photos courtesy Scarlett RoseIMG_7867 IMG_7868

Flying squirrel IMG_7894 IMG_7895

Happy boy!IMG_7896 IMG_7897 IMG_7901 IMG_7902 IMG_7903 IMG_7904

They ❤ each other:)IMG_7906 IMG_7907

He’s pretty sturdy on his feet!IMG_7931IMG_7932IMG_7933IMG_7934IMG_7935

Family hug before night-night time❤IMG_7936

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