Scarlett is 12 months old!
At 12 months, Scarlett:
Weighs: 19 lbs 12 oz
Measures: 30.25 inches
Teeth: 7
Words: can say about 10 words including mama, dada, bye, hi, ball, book, no, yeah, dog
- Being outside
- Walks outside to see the flowers
- Giving kissies
- Looking at books
- Balls (ball and book are her 2 current favorite words besides mama)
- “Talking” and babbling up a storm
- Putting objects in/on top of something and taking them back out/throwing them off
- Standing up on anything she can pull up on
- Playing with her new birthday toys–especially her baby piano!
- When mama eats her toes
- Gnawing on baby carrots
- Bunny bites (food in ball-form that mama makes)
- Music
- Getting teeth brushed
- Bows in her hair (prefers in mouth)
- Lying still on changing table (prefers to sit/stand up and grab things off the dresser)
- Stroller (sometimes)
What’s New:
- Gestures with hands when talking (for emphasis I assume)
- Takes hands off when standing on furniture for short periods–hasn’t yet made the connection that she can balance by herself
- Tries to repeat words when you say them to her
- Holds arms out for dada to hold her at times instead of just exclusively mama
- Increased evasiveness when trying to pick her up when she doesn’t want to be–straightens arms above head and rolls body
- Slams her arm up and down when angry
Other Activity:
- Nurses 5-6x/day
- Eats 3 meals a day
- Sleeps from approx. 8:30pm-9:00am, waking once within that timeframe to nurse
- Usually takes two naps each day lasting between 1-2 hours, but will occasionally take just one long one
- Bunny
- Who
- Sweetie
- Stinky
- Pumpkin
- Cabbage Patch (this has been an ongoing nickname, but I don’t think I’ve mentioned it)
Happy birthday to Who
Happy birthday to Who
Happy birthday my Bunny
Oh how much we love you! ❤️