47 Weeks 

Monday, March 28, 2016

I am 47 weeks old today!


Happenings this week:

  • First time sick:(
  • Celebrated my first Easter
  • Learning to share! I will hand mama a toy and she says “thank you!” very enthusiasticly to encourage me–have started trying to share my food too (see below)
  • Repeats “No no” after mama or dada says it
  • Feed Buddy my food during mealtimes
  • Tried eating egg again to see if I had another reaction (per the pediatrician’s advice) and developed a rash under my chin–luckily it didn’t last long
  • My little personality grows more and more every week! Each day is more fun than the last:)

Pictures from my week:

Mama bought a teething necklace to wear when we’re out and about for me to chew on.
An example of me putting too much food in my mouth and not knowing how to proceed.
  My current favorite bedtime/morning book.     

Mama snapped a picture during the one second I was interested in Sesame Street.  

Hmmm what’s on this table that I can get my bunny paws on?    

Rash most likely from eggs:(    

Trying out one of mama’s favorite combos, banana and peanut butter.  

Waiting to see the Easter Bunny! We got there just in time, no one was in line just one family finishing up. A crowd started coming as we were paying–we lucked out since dada and mama weren’t feeling well (and I got sick later that night:()    

I developed a fever right before bedtime on Thursday:( Luckily it went down a little during bathtime so mama held off on giving me Tylenol until I really needed it. I slept well that night, but woke up with a fever the next day.

Poor bunny:( While she was sick, she would crawl up onto mama’s lap and suck her little thumbie when she was sleepy/not feeling well.

Next morning–snuggled with mama in bed and read my favorite book for awhile.

I’m not too sick to get into stuff I’m not supposed to–gotta keep up appearances, ya know?  

Easter flowers from Dada:)

Chubby bunny feet:)

A few pics from Easter (more on previous Easter post)

Feeling much better today!

One of my favorite games–crawl into the other room and wait for mama or dada to come find me, and if it’s taking them too long I peek out to make sure they’re coming and then scurry back in.

Love you Bunny! Glad you’re feeling better!   


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